Monday, November 14, 2016

Before They Kill Your Auto Insurance Quotes, Make Sure You Know These Bizarre Traffic Laws

Have you watched enough "Road Rulez" to think you know the rules of the road? Passed your written exam with flying colors, did you? Before you get too confident, make sure you know these bizarre traffic laws that not only land you in the hot seat with the local authorities, they can also do some real damage to your auto insurance quotes.
Now, before you check these out, take a deep breath. Brace yourself. Make sure any and all drinks are well out of the vicinity so they don't come flying out your nose, because you're going to be amazed at some of these oldies but goodies that, while not always enforced, are still sitting around on your state's rulebooks.
Are you ready?
Did you know that...
· In Virginia, you can be cited for driving without your shoes on?
· In Alabama, it's illegal to drive while wearing a blindfold?
· In Alaska you are absolutely not, under any circumstances, allowed to tether a sled dog to the roof of your car?
· When driving through Arkansas it's illegal to blare a car horn anywhere sandwiches or ice-cold beverages are being served after 9 pm? (So what happens at 8:59?)
· You need to remember to bring your air mattress when you're visiting Eureka, California, because it's strictly forbidden to use the road as a bed?
· Seatbelts should be kept strapped tightly across your chest when traveling through Glendale, California, so you resist the temptation to make the illegal move of jumping out of a car traveling at 65 mph.
· You have to get out of the car to play on the slide when you're driving through Georgia? Driving through playgrounds is punishable by massive tickets, exorbitant court costs and, eventually, excessive auto insurance quotes.
· Keeping a good grip on your Red Ryder is a must when you're traveling through Iowa? The police there have forbidden tossing these accouterments out onto the highways. I guess they don't think they're proper travel accessories. I can't imagine why...
· The Dunkin Donuts in East Berwick, Maine, is strictly a no-parking zone? The police will gladly slap a parking ticket on your window. I'm not sure of the specifics behind this one, but it does make you wonder.
· You have to actually be able to present proof that you own a vehicle before you're allowed to honk the horn in University City, Missouri? It's illegal to honk the horn of somebody else's car.
· Swearing at passing motorists is illegal in Rockville, MD? You will be charged for a misdemeanor if your vocabulary isn't rated G.
So drive safely, check the rulebooks before you hit the highways, and remember: Well informed drivers are drivers with really, really cheap auto insurance quotes!
For more bizarre traffic laws [] that could be affecting your auto insurance quotes, visit Clifford F. Berman on the web at [].

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Making Light Work Using Virginia Car Dealerships Online

When you are searching for a new or used car in Virginia, there are so many Virginia car dealerships to choose from. If you are searching online you are bound to find website after website of companies that will even offer to deal with the dealership and do all the hard work for you.
Virginia car dealerships are available in all the counties of Virginia including:
* Bristol
* Isle of Wight
* Lancaster
* Richmond
* Halifax
* Hanover
* Montgomery
When searching for a car, an auto dealer in Virginia will be able to assist with all the aspects of your purchase, whether you are intent on a brand new BMW, or a second hand Volkswagen.
To search for available cars in Virginia, all you need to do is type in the make of car you are interested in, and the condition (new or used). This search will lead you the best Virginia car dealerships to ensure that you get just what you want in the quickest time possible.
Once you have searched for cars and found various automobile dealers in Virginia you can then request a quote from as many places as possible. You are guaranteed to find the perfect vehicle, whether it be a car or truck, at a really cheap rate. There is also no obligation to purchase anything if you do not feel 100 percent satisfied with any of the Virginia car dealerships.
When you are looking for cars dealers in Virginia make sure that you only use certified Virginia car dealerships with a proven track record. You can also find all spare parts, garages, and repair centers in Virginia to keep your car in tip top shape.
Make sure that the car dealership you choose also offers you insurance for your new car and they should be able to assist in the fair financing of your car. Be careful of unknown vehicle dealerships in Virginia that could take advantage of someone, especially a woman when it comes to any problem with a second hand car or with unfair, high cost financing. If this has happened to you before there are resources available to you, so that you can refinance your car and save a lot of money in the long run.
So, whatever kind of car, truck or SUV you are looking for, the online sites will be able to successfully locate the best Virginia car dealerships [] so that you can purchase your vehicle with ease and be sure that it is the best deal around.
Peter Morgan is the CEO and founder of JV Members Ltd a new home business which enables anyone to make money from writing freelance articles [] and membership is totally free! No technical knowledge is required. Or, if you would like to view more information on Cars and Car Dealers [] then please click the link.

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Online Auto Insurance May Be Cheaper For You

Many people surf the web now to save money on car insurance. And for good reason - you can often save quite a bit if you get auto insurance quotes online.
Different Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance
Your car insurance agent, if you still have one, may have talked to you about the historically-effective ways to save the most money when giving you the latest auto insurance quote. We're talking here about things you can control yourself. All of those same factors still apply, but the internet allows you to be more thorough and to get more car quotes to compare prices.
Higher Deductibles.
Car insurance quotes usually drop dramatically when based on very high deductibles. The only question here is: How much pain can you absorb yourself? That is, don't raise your deductibles so high that paying them would force you to borrow money or suffer financial distress.
But if you adopt the philosophy that insurance is meant to protect you from catastrophic losses, then this approach makes the most sense. Keep your deductible money in an insured savings account. It's possible that the premium money you save with very high deductibles will allow you to fund that account in just a year or two - and everything after that is pure gravy.
If you've ever experienced a rate increase after filing a claim then you'll appreciate another benefit of incurring higher deductibles on your car insurance rate: you will file fewer claims. No longer will you submit an insurance claim for a $500 windshield repair - but the additional cost of paying it yourself will be more than made up for by your extremely low car quote.
No Physical Damage Coverage
This approach is similar to #1 except it applies mainly to cars that have been on the road for a few years. If you're in a collision with an older car you may find the repair bill is higher than the Kelly's Blue Book Value of your vehicle. Without insurance you'd think twice about making the repair, especially if you can still drive the car and the damage isn't too bad.
You have to compare the potential cost of fixing or replacing your car with the impact on your auto insurance rate. If the difference is dramatic you can bank the savings and watch your savings account grow because of your cheap auto insurance quotes.
If you're a very safe driver and never had an accident it may be a great way for you to save money - as long as you keep your savings in the bank.
Don't Have Accidents
Some people don't need to be told to do this and already are experiencing the benefits of a safe-driver car quote. But if you've had accidents in the past you'll want to think about changing your driving behavior (not speeding, not talking on your cell phone, not tailgating, etc.). This approach is almost mandatory if you've taken the approach outlined in #1 and #2 above.
No Tickets!
Yes, Virginia, getting tickets is bad for your car insurance. Another benefit of this kind of good behavior is avoiding the cost of paying tickets, so this one is another no-brainer.
Protect Yourself From Theft With Cheaper Cars
This will have an impact on your auto insurance, obviously, and will save you money in other ways too. You should avoid certain expensive and thief-desirable cars because they will bring you more expensive car insurance. One area not to scrimp on, however, is anti-theft and safety devices, because they can lower your car insurance costs.
Get Rate Discounts
Sometimes your good driving behavior or other factors (such as good grades, safe careers, or low mileage) may not have been taken into account in your automobile insurance. And be sure to include ALL of your vehicles together when getting auto insurance quotes - you'll get the benefits of multi-car discounts.
Getting online car insurance will allow you to see all of the options that are out there for you to receive a lower car quote. You may have moved to a different state where there are discounts for things like taking a safe-driving course.
A High Credit Score Will Help
Insurance companies look at your credit score when determining auto insurance rates. There's some tie-in with responsible credit and responsible driving, they say. This will be a lot less direct than some other ways to save money on your car insurance.
No Small Claims.
Although mentioned above it is worth stressing. In the long run you may save a lot of money by filing fewer claims. We've all heard horror stories of auto insurance companies dropping people for filing claims.
Many people make the mistake of not filing small claims but also having low deductibles and paying way more than they need to for their auto insurance. If you're not going to be filing small damage claims then #1 above becomes a no-brainer as a way to get lower car quotes.
Combine Insurances
If you're not doing this already it's a big mistake. You may get discounts of 20% or more for combining coverages together. If you have a boat or motorcycle or vacation home, throw those in the pot too. And don't forget your renter's insurance may be combined also to give you lower auto insurance quotes.
Get Car Insurance Quotes Online.
That's the point of this article. Today's internet allows you to get the best deals with a couple of clicks of your mouse. You don't have to rely on one agent or one company.
Use a web-based service such as this one to shop around for the lowest car quote (much like web travel companies do for airline tickets). This will save you money.
One possible concern about getting online car insurance is whether you will get the same level of service, and whether you'll end up with a quality company. The truth is that going online helps car insurance companies save money, and they pass those savings on to you.
This doesn't mean you'll get worse service or a low-rate company. The best companies with the lowest rates are all providing auto insurance online. Most of them use other companies as "middle men" to get the data and submit to competing companies for the best deal. You should visit one of them now to see how much money you can save.
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Leo Vidal is an internet business expert who has been helping small businesses for over 20 years be more profitable using the internet to generate leads and sales.

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Cheap Insurance For Women - A 9-Point Checklist

So, you're trying to find cheap insurance. For women, there are two primary issues that you need to consider.
First, you should know that if your insurance agent or your insurance company recommended your plan, you are probably overpaying by up to 50% or more.
Second, when it comes to finding cheap car insurance, knowledge is power. Most of the time, the insurance company has the knowledge. With some due diligence on your part, you will have the knowledge and the power to save significant amounts on your insurance premiums.
When searching for cheap insurance for women, you need to ask lots of the right questions. Write your questions before you contact an agent so that you are organized and can cover each of the questions in detail.
You can use this checklist to guide your search for cheap insurance for women (NOTE: You can find a comprehensive, 40-page checklist at
1. Get every discount to which you are entitled. Think of a discount as a premium reduction on your insurance if certain safety, lifestyle, or financial conditions exist regarding you or the vehicle(s) covered by your insurance company.
Create a list of all the discounts you are presently receiving. Then, use an organized approach to discover additional discounts to which you are entitled. Your comprehensive checklist for additional discounts should include a variety of specific vehicle safety features as well as lifestyle issues. Also, certain financial tips might help you achieve a discount (such as paying semi-annually instead of monthly or paying online instead of sending checks).
2. Review and change deductibles for comprehensive and collision. Make sure you fully understand both of these items. When searching for cheap insurance for women, you will find that your decisions regarding comprehensive and collision will revolve primarily around the age and condition of your vehicle(s).
3. Review and change your bodily injury liability coverage. When determining appropriate coverage, there is an accepted formula that requires that you know your net worth. If you live in a state other than Florida, New Hampshire, or Wisconsin, you are required to carry this coverage.
4. Review and change property damage liability coverage. Here again, a determination of your appropriate coverage requires that you know your net worth. If you live in a state other than New Hampshire or Wisconsin, this coverage is required.
5. Review, change, cancel, or decline uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Your state may or may not require these coverages. If you are required to carry this coverage, be sure to take steps to minimize your premiums. Some states (including Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, and New Mexico) have special requirements you will need to understand.
6. Review, change, cancel, or decline no fault/personal injury protection. Depending on the state in which you live, there are a variety of options available. If you live in Kentucky, Massachusetts, or New Jersey, your search for cheap insurance for women will be easier because you can save up to 40% on this premium by electing the proper coverage.
7. Review, add, cancel, or decline medical coverage/medical payments. Tip... if you already have good medical/hospitalization insurance, you do not need this coverage (unless you live in Maine, New Hampshire, or Virginia).
8. Get rid of accidental death/dismemberment coverage, loss of sight coverage, and any other "loss of" coverage. When looking for cheap insurance for women, evaluate other options for life insurance or other types of specialty coverage.
9. Cancel or decline the "extras" and get rid of comprehensive/collision coverage on your old vehicles. This includes items such as roadside assistance and rental car reimbursement.
You can conduct a successful search for cheap insurance for women by simply getting organized and asking the right questions. If you will take the time to prepare properly, you will have both the knowledge and the power to realize significant savings on your insurance premiums.
Mike has been writing articles for several years. One of his favorite websites is [] which offers information and resources to help people find inexpensive Christmas gifts [].

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Consider Auto Insurance If Going to Virginia, Let This Article Introduce You to it All

Driving without insurance is a very irresponsible thing to do. With an insurance policy you can be sure of having your costs covered in the event of an accident, be the damage to you, your vehicle, your passengers, to another person, their vehicle, or public property - but it is important to know the exact rules and limits that apply when you seek an insurance policy that is right for you. If you are about to be driving around in the American State of Virginia, allow this article to explain the things you need to know.
The name of the authority for motor vehicles and their usage in Virginia, is the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. And they dictate that minimum coverage details for auto insurance in Virginia are as follows: bodily injury/death of one person $25,000; bodily injury/death of two or more persons $50,000; property damage $20,000.
There is a number of reasons entitling you to a discount on you car insurance in Virginia. The first kind of reason is to do with safety; fit an anti-theft device, air bags or seat belts in your vehicle. The second kind exists purely to encourage people to limit the use of their vehicles in an effort to reduce carbon footprint. Thus, if you don't drive to or from work, or live very close to where you work, you can benefit. You can also enjoy benefits if you have completed a recognized Drivers' Education Course, or if you are a full-time student with high enough grades.
This is a slew of (repeated) snippets of advice when searching for cheap car insurance in Virginia: shop around; start your search early; ask about multiple policy discounts; increase the deductible rate on your car insurance, which would mean that that premiums become lower.
Visit this website Virginia auto insurance online for more information. Here also can discover the best car insurance quotes online at this website today.

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Wanted to Buy - Cheap Car

My friend Angie names all her cars.
Over the years, now that I think about it, she has gone through quite a few cars. They haven't been new cars, but she's loved each one of them just the same. I don't ride in them anymore. The last time I rode in one of Angie's cars, it was a 1996 Beretta in an unusual shade of purple that she named Patches. This particular car got its name because the body had about two dozen pieces of metal patching up holes.
I don't know how Patches got so many holes. I think it was a bank robber's getaway car-sold for a five and a dime when the owner went away to do a ten and a twenty.
Anyway, Angie and I were tooling along this stretch of road near Wheeling, West Virginia, and the road got pretty bumpy. There were lots of twists and turns, and Angie didn't seem inclined to slow down. Then she hit a pothole, and I found out there were unpatched holes on the bottom of the car when the water actually splashed up through the floorboard and got me all wet.
"Slow down!" I hollered to her, hanging on for dear life.
"I can't!" she yelled back. "The brakes will give out!"
That actually was the last time I rode anywhere with Angie. She calls her current car Boomwhacker, and I don't even want to know why. Maybe someday Angie will buy a new car-there are plenty of good but inexpensive rides out there.
So for all the Angies in the world, I am dedicating this advice on what to think about when you look for a cheap car.
Two of the industry's greatest little price tags these days come on the Hyundai Accent or the Nissan Versa, each around $10,000. About a decade ago, people joked about buying Hyundais. Now the company produces models in a wide range of styles and prices, all the way up to the Genesis at $32,000.
But let's stick with the Accent, because we're shopping for Angie. The mileage goes about 29 mpg, which is great. It's not the most powerful car on the lot, which is probably a good thing for Angie. If you look up reviews you'll see users are rating it at the higher end of a ten-point scale.
The Nissan Versa comes in at around the same price, and consumers have praised its safety ratings as well as the great gas mileage, also around 28 mpg. One user loved its roomy interior. And like Hyundai, Nissan also offers a huge range of other choices.
But you also have to consider: What does cheap mean to you? Most people think of the car's advertised sticker price. You can look up cars on the internet, or in industry catalogs or magazines, to find cars in the price range that fits your wallet. You can decide how many options you simply must have. But you also have to figure in the costs of insurance, financing, extended warranty coverage, and routine repairs and maintenance.
Yes, it is possible to buy a new, cheap car that will give you everything you want in a ride.
I think for Angie, though, we'll stick with recommending a Pogo stick.
Buy a new or used car extended warranty and protect yourself from wear and tear repairs. Warranty Direct offers free quotes, great prices, and monthly payment plans for car warranties.

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Your Guide to Car Insurance

As per the U.S. laws, Car insurance is mandatory at the time of purchasing the vehicle, whether it is a brand new car or it is a pre-owned car.
Since a lot of insurance companies are available in the U.S. and all of them claiming to be the best in terms of service and premium charges, it becomes a little confusing to decide which Insurance company and which policy to choose.
A careful understanding of factors relating the car insurance can help you save the money in premium and also help to get the best quote and value for your money. Insurance is not an investment, as no returns are fetched. However, you can call it a necessary evil, one that you cannot do without. The utility of the car insurance is completely understood only when an untoward accident occurs, or when the vehicle is damaged.
Car insurance can be classified broadly into four categories.
1. Third party insurance- This is the basic insurance available. The .premium is relatively cheap. This insurance is compulsory in most states in the U.S.
In the state of Virginia, the car owner has to pay the state an annual fee of $500 per vehicle, in case the car owner does not avail a third party insurance. Whereas, in New Hampshire, it is not compulsory to buy a third party insurance.
2. Compulsory third party- This is the registration fee required to be paid to get the cover against any physical damage or injury and medical claims to the third party, if you are found guilty in an accident.
3. Third party, fire and theft- This protects you in case you cause damage to some one else's vehicle. It also protects your vehicle against theft and fire.
4. Comprehensive insurance. This is an all inclusive policy. It protects you and your car against all the possible damages-loss, theft, fire, accident of your own car, damage to another person's vehicle or property, damage or death of the driver in the other car,
Buying a comprehensive insurance policy is mandatory in case you opt for a loan to buy your vehicle. The premium is generally high in comprehensive policy as compared to the third party insurance, as the coverage is vast and extensive.
After deciding which type of policy you are looking for, you will have to compare the premium offered by the various insurance companies. On non-monetary issues, you should compare the procedures. Some companies are customer friendly and would involve in less paper work, or they may fill the forms on your behalf and make the procedure hassle free. Check out from existing customers about their experience with the insurance company. Some companies may settle the claims quickly, where as some may have the reputation of making delays when it comes to settle the claim.
Read the No Claim Bonus policy of the insurance companies and also read carefully the increase in the premium amount after you make a claim.
A starting point for me is to go to, the service is really quick and a good way of seeing what is available to you in the market place: []

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